Tuesday, August 18, 2009
love matters ???
The fragility of human relationships gives a serious jolt to my innocent dispositions every now and then.Its just so disgusting. Isn't it?
Well,I am certainly not against the whole circle of loving and being loved. Love is undeniably,the most beautiful relationship that anyone can ever get into.But what makes me surprised,is the misinterpretation concerning love,rampant among the young hearts.
Love is not just a "Boyfriend-girlfriend" relationship! (By the way,the entire notion behind the bf-gf concept among todays's youth is ample enough to send a shiver down Adam-Eve's hearts!)
Love doesn't gives the license to play with your lover's heart,emotions and life. Its certainly not just about sending perennial text messgaes to your so-called soulmate or, constantly buzzing him/her esp at the odd hours of the day.Its not about exchanging roses and love-letters,and keeping fake Karwachauths(yes,FAKE!!!) in lieu of getting expensive gifts in return from your so-called hubby-to-be. Its even more disgusting to see some foolish girls breaking the sanctity of this esteemed custom,without even knowing a speck about its essence.I believe,its no less than a sacrilage!
Love is not about roaming hand in hand along the lake-side,just to exhibit a public display of your love.Its not about going for shopping together,expecting your lover to reimburse your extravagent bills.Its certainly not about checking out the fancy restraunts together, and then skimming through their fancy menu cards to lay hands on the most pocket-friendly platter.Its not about going on long drives playing ear-blasting music(in open jeeps,fancy cars) disrupting the traffic by rash driving.
My question is,Do we really need love at this stage of life.?
Is it even required?
Is it right to go through the trauma of heartbreaks and breakups, at the very onset of teenage?
By doing so,aren't we demeaning the sanctity of love?
Well,my answer to this would be,Yes. We certainly are depriving love of its natural charm and poise! It is really easy getting hooked with someone,but its inexplicably tougher to carry forward the relationship with a balanced amount of grace and dignity.In today's fast moving world,its not tough 'finding love',there are so many hungry hearts around ,yearning for love.But isn't it unfair,to get involved with someone,just for the sake of it?
How can you push yourself to love just about anyone or anybody who comes your comes your way? For what?
Just to please your peers,or your so-called 'deserted soul',or,just to showcase yourself as an eye-candy for others?
What makes life more tragic are,the abrupt decisions that we youngsters take in order to get rid of these relationships! No wonder,'break-ups' are the talk of the day.We find it so easy to put an end to these once-so-precious (now-not-so-precious) relationships,without even realising the consequences.Do we? Don't we?
I am sorry,if my write-up causes displeasure to any of you reading this.I wrote this,keeping in mind a veri special friend, who is having a hard time,dealing with her 'break-up'.
Dearie,don't loose hope.If He is the 'one',the 'One' meant for you, he would eventually come back or,rather you would give him a chance to prove his mettle.For the time being,let life take the best decision for both of you.Stop fretting over it!
Its neither your Loss,nor his Gain!
As I said earlier,Time is the most potent healer in the entire Kayenaat.Give your relationship some time.Just let time slip by.Eventually,it would bring out the answers to all your queries!
Let destiny and time weave their magic in your life!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Gone are the days............
Those were the days,
WhenThe school reopened in June,
And we settled in our new desksand benches!
When we queued up in book depot,
And got our new booksand notes!
When we wanted two Sundays and no Mondays, yet
managed to line up daily for the morning prayers.
We learnt writing withslates and pencils, and
Progressed To fountain pens and ball pens and then Micro tips!
When we began drawing with crayons and evolved to
Color pencils and finally sketch pens!When we started calculating
first with tables and then with
Clarke's tables and advanced to
Calculators and computers!
When we chased one another in the
corridors in Intervals, and returned to the classrooms
Drenched in sweat!When we had lunch in classrooms, corridors,Playgrounds,
under the trees and even in cycle sheds!
When all the colors in the world,
Decorated the campus on the Second Saturdays!
When a single P.T. period in the week's Time Table,
Was awaited more eagerly than the monsoons!
When cricket was played with writing pads as bats,
And Neckties and socks rolled into balls!
When few played 'kabadi' and 'Kho-Kho' in scorching sun,
While others simply played'book cricket' in the Confines of classroom!
Of fights but no conspiracies,
Of Competitions but seldom jealousy!
When we used to watch Live Cricket telecast,
In the opposite house in Intervals and Lunch breaks!
When few rushed at 2:15 to'Conquer' window seats in our School bus!
While few others had 'Big Fun', 'peppermint' ,'kulfi', ' milk ice !' and 'sharbat !' at 4o Clock!
Gone are the days
Of Sports Day,and the annual School Day ,And the one-month long preparations for them.
Gone are the days
Of the stressful Quarterly,Half Yearly and Annual Exams,
And the most enjoyed holidays after them!
Gone are the days
Of tenth and twelfth standards, when
We Spent almost the whole year writing revision tests!
We learnt,We enjoyed,We played,We won,We lost,We laughed,We cried,We fought,We thought.With so much fun in them, so many friends,
So much experience, all this and more!
Gone are the days
When we usedto talk for hours with our friends!
Now we don't have time to say a `Hi'!
Gone are the days
When we played games on the road!Now weCode on the road with laptop!
Gone are the days
When we saw stars Shining at Night!
Now we see stars when our code doesn't Work!
Gone are the days
When we sat to chat with Friends on grounds!
Now we chat in chat rooms.....!
Gone are the days
Where westudied just to pass!
Now we study to save our job!
Gone are the days
Where we had no money in our pockets and still fun filled on our hearts!!
Now we have the atm as well as credit card but with an empty heart!
!Gone are the days
Where we shouted on the road!
Now we don't shout even at home
Gone are the days
Where we got lectures from all!
Now we give lectures to all... like the one I'm doing now....!
!Gone are the days
But not the memories, which will be
Lingering in our hearts for ever and ever and
Ever and ever and ever
.....Gone are the Days.... But still there are lot more Days to come in our Life!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The good you find in others, is in you too.
The faults you find in others are your faults as well.
After all, to recognize something you must know it.
The possibilities you see in others, are possible for you as well.
The beauty you see around you is your beauty.
The world around you is a reflection, a mirror showing you the person you are.
To change your world, you must change yourself.
To blame and complain will only make matters worse.
Whatever you care about, is your responsibility.
What you see in others shows you yourself.
See the best in others, and you will be your best.
Give to others, and you give to yourself.
Appreciate beauty, and you will be beautiful.
Admire creativity, and you will be creative.
Love, and you will be loved.
Seek to understand, and you will be understood.
Listen, and your voice will be heard.
Teach, and you will learn.
Sometimes I wish I could meet all those people who made me go “MEE TOOO” in all that they wrote!
so called friends ...........
Well i dunno whr m goin wrng.weder other ppl hv diff definition of frndship.May be ppl are not trustworthy to tell them nything.But den why be my frnd.get lost i dont need ur fake frndship.I'll be widout frnds rather than having one who doesnt cares enough to tell my secrets to others.I dont want frnds with him i cant share my thougts as they will tell those to someone else. I dont need u guys.
I wud better be alone than be wid u.
I still dont understand how can sumbody be so insensitive or is it just the thinking ki "why d hell m telling these to someone else how does it even matter if she knws or nt."but it really hurts when u know someone has done that
I dont knw whr m wrng in picking up frnds.Are frnds lyk dis only???
M so angry ryt nw actually nt angry may be sad...n ya m crying too..n its nt coz she is publising my life but its coz the thinking behind it.the feeling of being nothing to someone wen they means so much.I dont want to give so much imp to sumone to whom i dont even exist.
I guess dat wt frnds r fr to make u feel depressed but wait a min i thot dey wr fr d opppsite thing i.e.to cheer u up wen u r sad.
OH! I see nw whr m wrng.I guess i read all d wrng books heard all d wrng stories n knw xactly a diff meaning of frnship.I guess sumone told me dat earlier.
But nw dat i knw wt real frnship is i dont want it.
I want to be alone.....................
just leave me alone in my imginary world whr frndship means wt i think it means.......
Sunday, May 3, 2009
wish i was a kid again!!!!!
Well, how many times have you not heard this line from friends or just people around you . So its natural that even i get this thoughts some time or the other. Before you start thinking that i am becoming a lil bit nostalgic about the good old days, let me tell you the real reason why i have been getting this thought more now then ever before
. Today i was watching some news channel and there was this article about today’s young children and how they are so very “different” from the the past generation. And what caught my attention nearly made me jump out of my seat
. There was this family being interviewed and they had a 11 year old daughter who believe it or not has a cell phone
. Then the reporter asked the mother whether her cell phone was costlier or her daughters. The mother laughed it off and told that her cell phone was “old” (It was about 6 months old
) whereas her daughter has some latest sony ericsson model which cost the family a cool 20,000 bucks or so
. She even said that “aaj kal ke bacche kahan 8000-9000 ke cell phone mein khush rehte hai”
Well, this “bachha” who is blogging rite nw has a cell phone that is a year old .
This really made me think. Is it that the children are becoming more demanding or itz the parents who dont want their children being left out in this race to see that their child is no less then the next child. i never got any pocket money as did most of my friends. We were supposed to ask when we needed anything . Whereas that girl got a weekly pocket money of 500 bucks
. I mean what in the world does a 11-12 year old have to do with 500 bucks a week???
Makes me think that are the children today more street smart or were the children of my generation just too innocent (and dumb
Doesnt a child’s growing up years which is supposed to be full of innocence, lost when he has things like play stations, video games, PC’s to play. Does anyone in this generation know what it is to play with the ghoda gaadis, hide and seek, dolls ??? Am i just 2 old in my thinking or are today’s children just plain lucky then what we were???? Well, whatever the case maybe it just makes me think “Wish I was a kid again……”