Well, how many times have you not heard this line from friends or just people around you . So its natural that even i get this thoughts some time or the other. Before you start thinking that i am becoming a lil bit nostalgic about the good old days, let me tell you the real reason why i have been getting this thought more now then ever before
. Today i was watching some news channel and there was this article about today’s young children and how they are so very “different” from the the past generation. And what caught my attention nearly made me jump out of my seat
. There was this family being interviewed and they had a 11 year old daughter who believe it or not has a cell phone
. Then the reporter asked the mother whether her cell phone was costlier or her daughters. The mother laughed it off and told that her cell phone was “old” (It was about 6 months old
) whereas her daughter has some latest sony ericsson model which cost the family a cool 20,000 bucks or so
. She even said that “aaj kal ke bacche kahan 8000-9000 ke cell phone mein khush rehte hai”
Well, this “bachha” who is blogging rite nw has a cell phone that is a year old .
This really made me think. Is it that the children are becoming more demanding or itz the parents who dont want their children being left out in this race to see that their child is no less then the next child. i never got any pocket money as did most of my friends. We were supposed to ask when we needed anything . Whereas that girl got a weekly pocket money of 500 bucks
. I mean what in the world does a 11-12 year old have to do with 500 bucks a week???
Makes me think that are the children today more street smart or were the children of my generation just too innocent (and dumb
Doesnt a child’s growing up years which is supposed to be full of innocence, lost when he has things like play stations, video games, PC’s to play. Does anyone in this generation know what it is to play with the ghoda gaadis, hide and seek, dolls ??? Am i just 2 old in my thinking or are today’s children just plain lucky then what we were???? Well, whatever the case maybe it just makes me think “Wish I was a kid again……”