I am not sure if they do. We had been best friends for about 10 years. Our relationship was marked by the best of greeting cards and friendship bands on friendship day (I remember she used to keep aside the best one for me :)), unending phone calls talking about just everything possible; regular messages; constant giggles in the classroom; birthday nights and outings spent together. There was probably no reason we could fight over. My thinking matched hers. We were very much similar…sharing the same set of emotional ups and downs. I always thought the phrase ‘Friends For Life’ was meant for us.
That was for 1o years.
Today our relationship is almost lost. Our thoughts and principles do not match. An ego is there between our friendship.No more outings. No more cards. We hardly exchange text messages. And even if we do, they are just the forwarded ones. Once in a while I get these messages from her that leave me wondering if that particular message is intended to make me feel guilty.
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."
I am not sure if I would ever agree with this statement.
Does it mean a friend has to support your moves even when you are going the wrong way?
A friend is one who brings out the best in you, not the one who blindly gives you the nod at everything you do. I dint walk out of her world though. i just want her best but she dont want to understand me...
Despite everything, I still have that soft corner for her and will always have for shez best friend of mine. I just hope it doesn’t turn out to be one of those out of sight, out of mind relationships. i am waiting one day she will come back........................
Yup... rightly said that, one should not support the wrong moves of his/her frens but... one should stop him/her not leave..
Anyway...nicely written, it made me feel the pain from inside.
Sometimes it happens that our thought don't comply to what our friend is thinking and you shouldn't support it, but you must show them the right path without thinking that they will follow it or not.
I will always be with my best freind, doesn't matter she is wrong or right. i know she can't be wrong for longer time. If you want to make someone your best friend make them...but don't except same in return it will cause problems. the best thing in life is being best freind of someone....
this is for my best freind
you are the best in the best way you could me.....for me you will be the same, I will always see you as the best freind not matter how the world sees you..
love you...
i do understand the feeling of losing friends through time, though i think perhaps there can be day where you guys can look back and get through this rough patch.
Bainbridge Island flowers
mahi...... u r the best at watever u do.....
love ya..
No one thinks wrong about herself/himself...
Its just that do don't think the way u do :)
Its not tht u r always right :)
its easy to blame someone :)
(No offence plzz)
y dnt u make the first move..
ask her everything, try to clear doubts...
wats the harm in tryin :)
Hope evrything goes fyn :)
After all,
"Zindagi bi hindi picture ki tarah hoti hai, ant mein sab achcha ho hi jata hai"
" Picture abi baaki hai mere dost ;)"
sry, if anything i said offended u... Actually i say awt comes in my mind.. sry..
very true said.....this do hapeens with many people...I think the major problem that arise is the change in priorities of one or both. From the Innocent friendship of chidhood,as we grow up....we have a completely different scenario,a new set of responsibilities
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